Fix price

The price is the same for everyone and will not change until the product goes mainstream.


If you find an error or suggest an improvement for the equipment, we will refund you 100% of the product cost.

Shipping worldwide

We can send a package to any location in the world. The shipping cost depends on the distance from Central Europe.

What do we produce

A generator that will revolutionize the world of electricity. Self-generation system using an electromagnetic motor.


The manufacture of the rotor from a special alloy of silver and aluminum makes it possible to reduce Foucault eddy currents to zero.

What can be connected

Battery charger, drill, computer, angle grinder and many other electrical appliances. In the future, it is planned to develop version 3.0 to supply electricity to a residential building with an area of up to 100 square meters.

Send us an email if you want to buy